
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2017
Przegląd prac z wystawy "The First Layer". Ingerencje techniką mieszaną na ręcznie tkanych płótnach - rekonstrukcjach tkanin z XVI i XVII wieku, na których swoje dzieła tworzyli mistrzowie El Greco i Diego Velázquez . Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące projektu można odnaleźć na stronie internetowej: // A review of the works from the recent exhibition "The First Layer". Mixed technique interferences on handwoven canvases - reconstructions of textiles from the XVI th and XVII th century on which Great Masters - El Greco and Diego Velázquez created their paintings. More detailed informations about the project you may find in the website: and on the blog dedicated to the reconstructions:  Lab O. “Constellations”, mixed technique (glue, soil, powder pigment, threads, chalk, oil) on handwoven ‘mantelillo veneziano’ hemp and linen canvas, 59 x 52 cm, 2016. From the cycle “the Way”, mixed technique (g...
Kilka zdjęć z wystawy "The First Layer", której wernisaż odbył się 11 listopada w Centro Cultural Emmerico Nunes w Sines, w Portugalii.  // A few snapshots from the opening of the exhibition "The First Layer" in Centro Cultural Emmerico Nunes in Sines, Portugal (it is opened until the 7th of January). The authors; project Handwoven Canvas by Loermans & Pokojowczyk
"The First Layer" ‘Lab O’ is a laboratory where recreations of canvases from paintings of the Great Masters from the XVI th and XVII th century are woven on hand looms. Looking at an oil painting on canvas in a museum, our focus is on the image, the colours, the size and the frame around it. Rarely we notice that the ‘First Layer’ is a woven cloth that can have its own texture. In this exhibition you find recreations of the canvases that El Greco and Diego Velazquez used for their paintings. Included are contemporaneous experiences by Marta Pokojowczyk on these canvases: ‘INTERFERENCES’.
Stacja Odemira. Atelier tkackie. Laboratorium ręcznie tkanych kanw. Ruszyły przygotowania do listopadowej wystawy w Sines. Alentejo Alentejo...   // Odemira stop. Helena Loermans Handwoven Textiles Atelier, Laboratory for Handwoven Canvas. We have just started a preparation for the upcoming exhibition in Sines.