Piątek. Zambujera do Mar. Psa z kulawą nogą o tej porze roku. Żegnamy owocny tydzień pracy przy kawie i ciastku oraz
testujemy nowego "wrapa" (Wrapweavers by Helena Loermans).
Friday. Zambujera do Mar. Empty here in this season of the year. We celebrate fruitful week drinking coffee and eating 'bolo'.
We are also testing the new baby wrap (Wrapweavers by Helena Loermans).
testujemy nowego "wrapa" (Wrapweavers by Helena Loermans).
Friday. Zambujera do Mar. Empty here in this season of the year. We celebrate fruitful week drinking coffee and eating 'bolo'.
We are also testing the new baby wrap (Wrapweavers by Helena Loermans).
Wrap the Way! |
the team |