Kanwa 'mantelillo veneziano' - ręcznie tkana replika lnianego płotna, na którym El Greco namalował "Pogrzeb hrabiego Orgaza"; czysta i z moją ingerencją (klej, len, suchy pastel, pigment). Drużyna Hempweavers przygotowuje się do oficjalnej prezentacji tych płócien w połowie czerwca w mateczniku projektu - w Atelier w Odemirze.
'Mantelillo veneziano' - handwoven replica of a canvas from the XVI th century on which El Greco painted 'The Burial of the Count of Orgaz'; pure and with my interference with glue, linen yarn and chalk. In Hempweavers we prepare ourselves for an official presentation of these canvases. The exhibition will take its place in the middle of June in the moterhood of the project, Atelier in Odemira.
'Mantelillo veneziano' - handwoven replica of a canvas from the XVI th century on which El Greco painted 'The Burial of the Count of Orgaz'; pure and with my interference with glue, linen yarn and chalk. In Hempweavers we prepare ourselves for an official presentation of these canvases. The exhibition will take its place in the middle of June in the moterhood of the project, Atelier in Odemira.