Już niebawem, 6 lipca otwarta zostanie wystawa prac pt. "Ku przestrzeni", na której zaprezentuję obrazy z cyklu "Horyzonty" oraz formy kontemplacyjne - Kanwy 3D. Prezentacja w Domu Aukcyjnym LIBRA przy ulicy Złotej 48 w Warszawie trwać będzie do 20 lipca. Spotkanie autorskie odbędzie się w piątek w godzinach popołudniowych a także w sobotę od 11 do 15. Serdecznie zapraszam!
Kindly invite you to my exhibition 'Toward Spaces' which will take place in LIBRA Auction House in Warsaw from the 6th of July until the 20th of July. Evening meeting with the artist will be upcoming Friday, on the 9th of July as well as on Saturday between 11:00 and 15:00. The show contains ca. 20 works, woven 'Horizons' and contemplative forms so called Canvases 3D. Below a detailed text about the presentation. See you in Warsaw! 

At the exhibition “Towards Spaces” you can see handwoven canvases from the series “Horizons” and contemplative textile forms so called Canvases 3D. Works are a symbiosis of two disciplines of art, Painting and Weaving. Handwoven canvases and objects are entirely created on a weaving loom, using the Painting technique of glazing, appplying transparent and semi-transparent layers on each other. Inspiration is the colour perspective which exists in nature and the line of the horizon – border of the space visible to the eye and the one hidden by the ground. Canvases 3D are installed on a specially designed hangers made of stainless steel. Thanks to spatial concstructions, fabrics fully enhance their structure, becoming objects from the sphere of kinetic art. The forms respond to the slightest movement from the surroundings, in the same time reducing the distance between the observer and the observed object.The composition of the works presented at the exhibition is part of the concept entitled "Humanism of Fabrics", referring to the experience of handwoven forms by humans. Textiles function in the space in which the viewer moves, having a direct impact on the quality and culture of his life.






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